Oaks Park High School

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Social Sciences

BTEC Health and Social Care Level 2 KS4

Course  Pearson BTEC Level 1 & 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care
Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

Around 3 million people work in health and social care within the UK, and increase inline with the needs of the aging population, needs across social care in relation to SEND, and mental health which is on an increase in the current climate. There are many different health care roles across the sector from doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, while social care roles include care assistants, occupational therapists, counsellors and administrators.

Together, they account for nearly one in ten of all paid jobs in the UK. Demand for both health and social care is likely to rise, so they will continue to play a key role in UK society and the demand for people to carry out these vital roles will increase.


At Oaks Park we offer a broad range of GCSEs, including English, mathematics and science. This qualification has been designed to allow learners to draw on the knowledge and skills acquired from these subjects where relevant and to apply them to a vocational course and future work contexts. There are also strong opportunities for post-16 progression in this important sector.

The main focus is on four areas of equal importance, which cover the:

  • development of key skills that prove your aptitude in health and social care such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health
  • process that underpins effective ways of working in health and social care, such as designing a plan to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing
    attitudes that are considered most important in health and social care, including
  • the care values that are vitally important in the sector, and the opportunity to practise applying them
  • knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, process and attitudes in the sector such as human growth and development, health and social care services, and factors affecting people’s health and wellbeing.

This course is also an opportunity to learn about different needs and factors that affect how we develop across the life stages and how we are aided in this from services available.

Unit 1

Human Lifespan Development - Learners will investigate how, in real situations, human development is affected by different factors and that people deal differently with life events.

The is a unit divided into two parts,

1a: Studying the development we go through from birth to death in relation to our PIES (physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social development) as well as factors that affect this development (physical, social/cultural, economic)

1b: Studying the life events we are impacted by and the impact of these on individuals and how different approaches impact how we overcome these.


This is an internally assessed unit that incorporates a controlled assessment that is completed onsite under exam conditions, graded at a across 5 grade points including level 1 pass, level 1 merit, level 2 pass, level 2 merit and level 2 distinction.


Unit 2

Health and Social care Services and Values - Learners study and explore practically, health and social care services and how they meet the needs of real service users. They also develop skills in applying care values. This unit is again divided into two parts,

2a: Studying the different types of health and social care services in the UK and barriers an individual may face in accessing them such as geographical, financial, awareness etc.

2b. Studying the 7 care values applied in health and social care provision, how to be critical and review own practice and application of the care values and why this is so important for service users receiving the services.


This is an internally assessed unit that incorporates a controlled assessment that is completed onsite under exam conditions, graded at a across 5 grade points including level 1 pass, level 1 merit, level 2 pass, level 2 merit and level 2 distinction.


Unit 3

Health and wellbeing - Learners will study the factors that affect health and wellbeing, learning about physiological and lifestyle indicators, and how to design a health and wellbeing improvement plan. In this component, you look at the factors that can have a positive or negative influence on a person’s health and wellbeing. You will learn to interpret physiological and lifestyle indicators, and what they mean for someone’s state of health. You will learn how to use this information to design an appropriate plan for improving someone’s health and wellbeing, including short- and long-term targets. Additionally, you will explore the difficulties an individual may face when trying to make these changes. You will develop skills in analysing information and communicating for a specific purpose, which will support your progression to Level 2 or 3 vocational or academic qualifications.


Learners will be given a case study and will assess an individual’s health and wellbeing, drawing on their understanding of life events from Component 1. They will design a health and wellbeing improvement plan that draws on their knowledge of services and care values from Component 2.


A task worth 60 marks will be completed under supervised conditions (an externally marked exam piece) and are awarded across 6 grade points, level 1 pass, level 1 merit, level 1 distinction, level 2 pass, level 2 merit and level 2 distinction.


2 internal assessments (coursework) totalling 60% of the qualification

1 external assessment (exam) totalling 40% of the qualification


The three components focus on the assessment of knowledge, skills and practices. These are all essential to developing a basis for progression and, therefore, learners need to achieve all components in order to achieve the qualification.

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Study of the qualification as part of Key Stage 4 learning will help learners to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector.
The choices that learners can make post-16 will depend on their overall level of attainment and their performance in the qualification.Learners who generally achieve at Level 2 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to:

  • A Levels as preparation for entry to higher education in a range of subjects
  • study of a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC National in Health and Social Care, which prepares learners to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in aspects of health or social care. or T levels which is the new series of qualifications from BTEC consisting of triple the offer equvilent to 3 A Levels in Health
  • Apprenticeship in Health and Social care: https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/career-planning/study-and-training/apprenticeships
Suggested links to resources


Thiswebsite will help you see the availability of future progression within the sector after studying the course



This will help you understand the importance of the approaches used in caring for individuals and how to apply them



This can show individuals the different roles and what they incorporate within the health and social care sector

BTEC Health and Social Care KS5

Course  BTEC National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care
Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

The Health and social care industry is one of the largest employment sectors in the UK employing nearly 4 million people. It is an optimum industry for people with a desire to make a positive impact on society and looking to find secure employment in today’s ever-changing economy. Working within this sector can be a challenging but also a rewarding career, as well as the place where you get the opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives each day.


The BTEC National in Health and Social Care provide students with the foundation knowledge as well as employability skills students need to succeed at higher level of study, in addition to benefiting them in their chosen career. Students who have experience of research, extended writing and meeting deadlines are said to be well prepared for Higher Education. This course will give students the skills needed for either university or work in the Health & Social Care sector as a wide range of subjects are covered which will raise awareness of the many rewarding career opportunities that exist.

Unit 1  

Human lifespan development

  • Life stages and the factors that affect our development and growth during these
  • Theorists underpinning development and their impact on ideology around development
  • Health and well-being and the Impact of expected and unexpected life events On our health and wellbeing
Unit 2

Working in health and social care

  • The different roles of individual who work across health and social care
  • The responsibilities of the individuals that provide care and support
  • The laws, legislations and policies followed by specific individuals across health and social care and the impact on the care provided to service users
  • Care values, service users and providers
Unit 5 Meeting the needs of individuals with additional needs
  • Additional needs defined and the support individuals need to ensure health and wellbeing
  • Policies, laws and legislations linked to meeting individuals needs across health and social care
  • How health and social care providers work to support additional needs
Unit 14 Physiological disorders and their care
  • Physiological disorders across the body systems
  • Treatment and care or physiological disorders
  • Care planning
  • Impact of physiological disorders in service users and the care and support available.

2 externally moderated units (exams) Unit 1 & 2 (Year 1)

2 internally moderated units (coursework) Unit 5 & 14 (Year 2)
Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Successful completion of the course can lead to various degree courses at university ranging from Nursing and Social work to criminology, sociology, psychology, occupational therapy, probation or counselling services, housing, youth and community work, early years and education studies. Alternatively, you can enter employment or apprenticeships in the health or care sector.


The health and social care sector is one of the biggest employers in the UK with nearly four million people working in the sector. The recent pandemic has increased demand for employees across the sector and will continue to be in demand as the population increases and ages


Nurses and Social workers average pay is around £27,000 a year while Public Health managers can earn up to £55,000 a year.

Suggested links to resources

 NFCE Page for Health & Social Care


Useful websites





Government and professional bodies

 KS5 Psychology

Course  A level Psychology (Legacy qualification)
Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject? It explains why humans behave the way they do. It is very interesting and also makes students think about the world with a new perspective. Psychology is a great subject to study with a whole range of other subjects at KS5, as it fits well with both arts and science subjects. Psychologists are employed in almost every facet of the working world, so the A level is useful in a practical sense.
Key Content 
Unit 1  

Psychological Approaches

  • Social Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Biological Psychology
  • Learning Theories
  • Issues and Debates
Unit 2 Applications of Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Child Psychology
Unit 3 Psychological Skills
A synoptic paper, which means that it draws knowledge from any or all parts of the course. 
A large part of this paper is also research methods, mathematical skills (although these are tested in all 3 papers too) and Issues and Debates
Assessment AS-

Two 1.5hour papers

Social and Cognitive Psychology

Biological Psychology and Learning

Assessment A-Level

Three 2 hour papers

Foundations of Psychology

Applications of Psychology

Psychological Skills

Next steps - Careers/HE courses Psychology Next Steps
Suggested links to resources

psychology wizard

study wise psychology


A-Level Psychology (From September 2024)

Examining Board



Why study this subject?

This course is for anyone who is interested in the study of the human mind and behaviour; and is keen to explore a cutting edge science that has real world applications in issues ranging from artificial intelligence to social change. You should be able to take part in discussions and express your opinion clearly. You must be willing to view the world from different perspectives and be confident in analysing and interpreting data as well as planning and conducting scientific investigations.

Unit 1 Introductory topics in Psychology

  • Social influence - conformity, obedience and how research into social influence can bring about social change.
  • Memory - how we store and retrieve information; including models of memory, memory in everyday life and strategies to improve memory.
  • Attachment - early social development and how children develop attachments in infancy and how these can affect later adult relationships.
  • Psychopathology - definitions of abnormality, the characteristics, explanations and treatments of disorders, such as depression, phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Unit 2

Psychology in Context

  • Research methods - different research methods, an understanding of scientific processes and data handling, including the use of inferential statistics as a form of data analysis
  • Approaches in Psychology - origins of psychology, the emergence of psychology as a science, the basic assumptions of behaviourism, cognitive psychology, the biological approach, the psychodynamic approach and humanistic psychology.
  • Biopsychology – the nervous system, neurons and synaptic transmission, localisation of function in the brain, ways of studying the brain, biological rhythms. 

Unit 3

Issues and Options in Psychology 

  • Issues and Debates - explores some of the key debates in psychology such as, free-will and determinism, nature and nurture, as well as ethical issues in research and psychology as a science. 
  • Option A – Cognition and Development explores theories of cognitive and intellectual development including the theory of mind as an explanation for autism.
  • Option B – Schizophrenia explores issues with the diagnosis of schizophrenia, biological and psychological causes of schizophrenia and biological and psychological treatments/therapies
  • Option C – Aggression explores explanations of human aggression, including neural, hormonal, genetics and social psychological explanations and the impact the media has on the role of desensitisation and disinhibition.

Assessment A-Level

Written exams with a combination of multiple choice, short and extended response questions. 

There are 3 exams [96 marks & 2 hours each] at the end of the second year in June, one for each unit. 

25-30% of overall marks come from Research Methods – this is examined through a 48 mark section on Paper 2 and embedded throughout all sections on Papers 1, 2 & 3. All other topics are examined through a 24 mark section. 

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

This A-Level gives you a broad range of skills which could be applied to any further studying you decide to do or jobs should you wish to start working. 

  Jobs directly related to your degree include:

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

Suggested links to resources

KS4 Sociology

Course  Sociology GCSE
Examining Board AQA
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

GCSE Sociology helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of key social structures, processes and issues through the study of families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification.


Students will develop their analytical, assimilation and communication skills by comparing and contrasting perspectives on a variety of social issues, constructing reasoned arguments, making substantiated judgements and drawing reasoned conclusions.


By studying sociology, students will develop transferable skills including how to:

  • investigate facts and make deductions
  • develop opinions and new ideas on social issues
  • analyse and better understand the social world
Unit 1

The Sociological Approach

You will learn about what sociology is, and the key social structures processes and issues that are debated in sociology.  You will also learn about the key sociological thinkers, including Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber

 Unit 2


The Sociology of Families and Households
You will learn about the diverse forms of the family in Britain and sociological approaches to the family, as well as changes and patterns in role and authority relationships within the family and divorce and marriage.

Unit 3

The Sociology of Education
You will learn about the role and function of the education system, achievement of different groups and relationships and processes within schools.

Unit 4


Sociological Research Methods

You will learn about the variety of research methods that sociologists use to research social life.  You will learn how to apply research methods to the study of families and education and how to critically evaluate them.

Unit 5

The Sociology of Crime and Deviance
You will learn about sociological explanations of crime and deviance, social control, social construction of crime and crime data.

Unit 6

The Sociology of Social Stratification
You will learn about different theories of stratification looking at the unequal distribution of wealth, income, status and power. You will study how life chances are influenced by social inequalities based on class, gender, ethnicity, age and religion.


Paper 1: Written Exam – 1 hour 45 mins: 50% of total mark


Paper 2: Written Exam – 1 hour 45 mins: 50% of total mark

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Sociology is particularly useful for students who want to work with people and in a wide range of occupations. Some examples are:

  • Criminology/Police Service
  • Law
  • Social Work
  • Public Relations
  • Personnel Management
  • Teaching
  • Marketing


It is useful if you wish to study subjects like social policy, law, midwifery, social work or criminology at university.



BBC Bitesize is great for GCSE revision.



This site gives you news articles relevant to your topics- just type in the subject.



This site gives you government statistics on crime, education, stratification and families.

KS5 Sociology

Course  A-Level Sociology
Examining Board AQA
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

Are you interested in how humans learn to behave like humans?

Are you interested in how society is changing?

Are you interested in how individuals develop their identity?

Are you interested in how society stereotypes?

If you answered ‘YES’ then Sociology might be a subject for you!


Sociology is the study of society and human social behaviour; it appeals because you can apply what you learn to everyday life. An A’ level in sociology will equip you with skills valued by universities and employers: critical analysis, the ability to form coherent written arguments, explaining difficult concepts and interpreting data. It will also give you a greater understanding of people and the world in which you live.

Paper 1
Paper 1 - Education with Theory and Methods

Class differences in achievement

Ethnic differences in achievement

Gender differences in achievement
The role of education in society 
Educational policy and inequality


Research Methods and Methods in Context:
Quantitative and qualitative methods; questionnaires; interviews; observation; secondary sources.
Researching the context of education

Paper 2

Topics in Sociology


Families and Households

Theories of the family


Changing family patterns

Family diversity

Families and social policy


Beliefs in Society:
Theories of religion

Religion and social change


Religion, renewal and choice

Organisations, movements and members

Ideology and science



Paper 3

Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods


Crime and Deviance

Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories

Interactionism and labelling theory

Class, power and crime

Realist theories of crime

Gender, crime and justice

Ethnicity, crime and justice

Crime and the media

Globalisation, green crime, human rights and state crime

Sociological Theory
Sociology and science

Objectivity and values in sociology



Feminist theories

Action theories

Globalisation, modernity and postmodernity

Sociology and social policy

Assessment A-Level

3 Exams

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

- Social Worker
- Community Worker
- Law
- Housing manager/planner
- Social Researcher (informing Government)
- Information Scientist
- Journalist
- Prison Governor
- Police Officer


Higher Education Courses:
- Sociology
- Social Policy
- Criminology
- Social Work
- Journalism
- Law
- Anthropology

Suggested links to resources

