Oaks Park High School

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Remote Learning

September 2022

In the event of a full or partial school closure, Oaks Park is committed to providing continuity of education to its students and will do so through a process of remote (online) learning. Extensive remote learning would apply particularly in a situation in which the school is closed for an extended period of time, but a high proportion of students and teachers are healthy, and able to work as normal from home.

Recent experience has provided the opportunity for students to undertake blended learning as a result of having to self isolate from school. 

Parents will be notified of all communication via all the normal means and details of plans will also be published on this website. In dynamic circumstances that require us to update plans and arrangements we will ensure that parents and carers are frequently and well informed. This may mean an increase in the level of communications home but only to the degree that is necessary for the safe and effective delivery of education. 

Our investment and commitment to blended and remote learning has ensured that as a school we can continue to deliver high quality provision which meets the needs of our school community and prepares them for the next steps at every key stage. 

This investment has included:

  • Webcams - for all classrooms
  • Visualisers
  • Chromebooks for staff and students
  • Embedding the use of g-suites to deliver educational provision
  • Remote registration and reporting services
  • Continuing Professional Development for staff to use new systems 

 What is taught?

Students will still have access to a full broad and balanced curriculum online. In some physical and practical subjects there will have to be adaptations made to account for students not being on site.

Students will receive the same number of lessons for each subject as they would have done in school and lessons were being taught face to face.

Oaks Park Curriculum 

How will the curriculum be delivered?

  • All work will be assigned to teaching groups via Google Classroom.

  • All work will be assigned per timetabled lesson.

  • Appropriate resources will be shared. 

  • Students will personally assigned work and documents that are bespoke to their individual needs. 
  • Google Meet will be used for all learning interactions during timetabled lessons.

  • Pupils will have the opportunity for face-to-face interaction with their class teacher on a usual timetable basis

  • Parts of lessons may be pre-recorded. 

  • Teachers will take attendance of students that attend online.

  • Students who fail to attend will be contacted as non-engagers

Teachers will use a range of resources to present information/interact with students. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Presenting screen

  • Slides

  • Docs

  • Jamboard

  • Forms

  • All work should be ‘handed in’ via Google Classroom. Feedback will be provided to students by a range of means.  

  • Google classroom and the associated g-suite facilities allows teachers to see the documents that students are working on and provide timely and individual feedback to support student progress. 

All of the above meets the principle of 'live content' rather than 'live lessons'. This is in the best interests of both students and staff and is the model that has been recommended by the Department for Education (February 2021)

How much remote provision will there be?

  • Students will be provided with 5 hours of lessons per day. This may include teacher instruction, time for independent study, responding to questions and feedback from teachers. 

  • Students will continue to receive a weekly pastoral programme that will include an assembly from pastoral leaders and from time with tutors. 

  • Where possible the school will seek opportunities to provide curriculum enrichment to support students in gaining a wider range of experiences through school that promote aspiration and interest beyond the curriculum.
  • School Day

Assessment and Feedback

  • Students will continue to be assessed as per subject assessment schedules and learning maps
  • Assessments will be adapted to be delivered online. 
  • Feedback will be provided to assessed work as per the assessment plan. 
  • Reports will continue to be issued to parents. 
  • Parents' evenings will be delivered online via school cloud.

What platforms are used for remote learning?

As a Google school, Oaks Park will deliver all remote provision primarily through G-Suites for education. Individual subjects may use third party apps and platforms that are specific to the subject area. School assessments including PPEs are undertaken through Exams.net.   

What happens if students are unable to access the work remotely?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

  • Parents will be contacted to identify issues.
  • Students may be invited into school where barriers to access exist.
  • Where there is capacity students may be offered a laptop loan. These will be prioritised for disadvantaged students and those who are due to take exams. 
  • We will use national and local government schemes to remove barriers to access wherever possible. To date these have included;
    • Provision of laptops for groups of students
    • Internet access
    • Increased mobile data allowances

How should students engage with learning?

Students sould be present in all lessons and be prepared to participate fully in dialogue with the teacher and other students. Verbal communication is encouraged. Where this is not possible students should be prepared to use the chat facility on Google Meet. Where students are not engaging with learning parents will be contacted by the school.

Participation in lessons also includes engagement and completion of work matierials that are set on google classroom. 

It is the responsibility of students to engage appropriately in all lessons and maintain the standards that are expected in the school behaviour policy.

How will students with additional needs be supported?

Students with additional needs will continue to be supported by Teaching Assistants working online to support students in lessons. Teachers will continue to work with TAs to monitor and support the progress of all students and ensure that appropriate guidance and resources are provided to meet students needs. For students with visual impairments (VI): teachers will continue to work with the VI department to provided appropriately adapted resources to meet the needs of students.  

For all students with additional needs there will be a review of the support that is in place to ensure they are able to access educational provision remotely.

What provision will there be for self isolating students?

Where students are self isolating and the majority of students are in school lessons resources and instructions will continue to be provided via Google Classroom. Students should continue to submit their work via Google Classroom.Students will be able to access assessments remotely while self isolating.  

How can I report concerns about remote provision?

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that remote or blended provision is of the highest quality, engages students and facilitates their progress in each subject we understand that from time to time issues can arise which means that this is not the case. We encourage parents & carers to contact Oaks Park to notify us of your concerns. We can then work together to identify issues and provide solutions. 

Please contact Mr D Smith (Deputy Headteacher) with any concerns. 
