Oaks Park High School

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Careers Team

The CEIAG (Careers) Team

At Oaks Park High School, we have a whole School approach to careers with all staff supporting the delivery of CEIAG through the pastoral system and within curriculum areas. In addition, we have a designated CEIAG team who co-ordinate and monitor the delivery of the Schools Careers Plan:

  • Mrs S Hassan (Assistant Headteacher/Careers Leader)
  • Dr Patumakanthar (Upper School Lead Practitioner/Deputy Careers Leader)
  • Miss Wilson (Senior Administrative Officer/Careers Administrator)
  • Mrs Khatun (People, Society and Cultures Curriculum Leader)
  • Ms Ali (Gatsby Benchmark Coordinator)
  • Miss Lall (Employability Skills Coordinator)
  • Ms Warner-James (Extra Curricular Coordinator)